Foxie Blog

How are you communicating with your customers?

Written by Adam Johnson | Sep 26, 2024 1:22:27 AM

The way people communicate with each other has dramatically changed over the last decade, and texting is now overwhelmingly the way in which people prefer to communicate. Studies have shown that over 90% prefer texting to a phone call...and this is for both personal and business relationships.

Think about it. How many times a day do you pick up the phone and call someone to ask a quick question? Maybe once or twice. How many texts do you fire off every day when you have a quick question? Probably dozens.

The preferred communication style is clear. Your customers want the ease and convenience that texting provides when communicating with your business.

Businesses need a platform like FoxieEngage for conversational texting. There are statistics for everything, but here is one you really should be paying attention to. Only 13% of people answer phone calls, only 18% of emails get opened...but 98% of text messages get looked at. Enough said.

Let’s look deeper into why conversational texting is vital to your business.

Conversational texting allows:

  • Connecting with your customers on a personal level.
  • Increased engagement and customer satisfaction.
  • Efficiency and around-the-clock availability (40% of customer inquiries come outside of normal business hours.)

Two of the main reasons businesses are hesitant to implement business texting are the fear of not understanding all the rules regarding business texting, and the perception that it is expensive. This is why working with a reputable company Foxie... has you covered in both areas.

Compliance, the opt-in process, and integration with existing processes - we will show you how to comply with all the legal regulations, how to keep your messages concise, how to personalize the messages, and  how to handle responses with our White Glove Service.

We have sent millions of business texts, and we have a suite of security solutions to keep your brand safe. Expensive? Look and you will be pleasantly surprised at how affordable Foxie and FoxeEngage have made it for businesses to communicate with their customers.

Stay engaged with your current and potential us at 866-BE-ENGAGED (866-233-6424), text START to FOXIE (36943) or if you prefer, just shoot me an email at