This is the age-old question that almost all businesses have asked themselves ... “Why do customers leave us?”
COMMUNICATION is the reason that most customers take their business elsewhere. Without the right amount of communication, the customer...even if they are happy with your business and what you provide...can be wooed away by your competition.
This is exactly why Foxie developed ensure that there is always a clear and open line of two-way communication between your business and your customers, without ever missing a message, regardless of how your customer chooses to connect with you.
No business can retain 100% of its customers over time...that is a fact. All businesses WANT to retain their customers, and Foxie has compiled some reasons why that might not be possible:
Remember, communication is key for customer retention, so make sure you are communicating with yours regularly and becoming aware of any issues before those issues become an example of why a customer may leave.
FoxieEngage will help to ensure that messages from your customers are never missed.
That’s peace of mind.
Call us at 866-BE-ENGAGED (866-233-6424), text START to FOXIE (36943) or just shoot me an email at