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SMS Short Codes Are Your Best Friend

If you like doing things the hard way and don’t want to increase your business, there is no need for you to read any further.

I'm glad you are still here.

Allow me to give you a brief overview of what an SMS short code is all about.

A short code is a 5 or 6-digit phone number (that is why they are called “short codes,” as they are shorter than their ten-digit long counterparts) that are used by businesses to send high-throughput, two-way messaging. They are a simple and easily accessible way to communicate with users. 

Short codes are easy to remember, have open rates above 90%, enjoy a high degree of consumer trust, and have very high deliverability. They are universally recognized as business messages, not texts from people you know.

We have all received short code messages from our banking institutions, credit card companies, as well as from our favorite store or restaurant. We see the short code, and instantly recognize it as coming from a legitimate business.

Your business should be looked at in the same way.

SMS short codes can send very high volumes of text messages in a short period of time, which makes them ideal when looking to reach large audiences.

 When you are sending more than a couple of hundred messages a day from a long code number, your messages stand a greater chance of being marked as spam. Nobody wants that. Short codes have already been approved by carriers to have high deliverability and are not subject to carrier filtering. This makes them the obvious choice when sending time-sensitive and higher-volume messages. Here are some ways they’re currently being used by our FOXIE customers:

  • Alerts and notification
  • Marketing and promotions
  • Two-factor authentication

How are short codes assigned?

Short codes are leased from the Short Code Registry. You will have the option of selecting a specific 5 or 6-digit number if it is available, or you may have a number randomly assigned to you. Our short code number at FOXIE is 36943.

 What type of information will be reviewed during the vetting process? 

The vetting process involves reviewing all applications submitted to the Short Code Registry to verify that the Content Provider is correctly identified and represents a legitimate company. Nobody likes receiving unwanted messages, so this process was put into place to help ensure that the best efforts are taken to protect consumers from unwanted text messages. The information reviewed includes the Company name, Websites, Terms of Service, EIN number, and Corporate Registration. Most applicants complete the vetting process successfully, and here at FOXIE, we will guide you through the entire process to help ensure this.

 Be engaged with your customers...call me at 866-BE-ENGAGED (866-233-6424), text START to FOXIE (36943) or if you prefer, shoot me an email at smcclellan@foxie.com.

I'm looking forward to speaking with you soon!