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SMS vs MMS: What's the difference?

EVERYONE texts. It’s the preferred way of communicating in 2024...and almost 19 BILLION texts are sent worldwide every single day.

SMS stands for “Short Message Service” ...commonly known as a text.

MMS stands for “Multimedia Messaging Service.” It allows you to attach a file to a text message...like a picture, video or a website link.

Foxie will help to explain the pros and cons of each:

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SMS messages are limited to 160 characters which include: letters, numbers, SPACES and punctuation. If your message exceeds 160 characters, it will be broken up into two or possibly three different text messages. (Depending on your character count).

This is important to remember for billing purposes. If you thought you only sent 1,000 text messages on a particular day, but you find yourself being billed for 2,000 messages, it is more than likely due to the length of each text message. This is something you need to be aware of, so you aren’t surprised.

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MMS messages DO NOT have strict character limits for texts, with up to 1600 characters being allowed. Maximum MMS sizes vary by carrier, but all will reliably handle messages up to 300 KB of data.

FoxieEngage is the perfect tool for all your SMS and MMS messaging needs.

When you are ready to start promoting your business with SMS and MMS, give us a call at 866-BE-ENGAGED (866-233-6424). text START to FOXIE (36943) or just shoot me an email at smcclellan@foxie.com and let Foxie take care of all the details for you.
