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Call Center Coaching 101

When new agents are hired they are usually trained during onboarding. These are most often in a group setting and cover the basics of what the agent needs to know to perform their job successfully, as well as the company's goals and expectations. But what happens once "call center reality" steps in?

Foxie has five tips to help ensure your agents' success long after the onboarding training process is over.

Good/Bad/Good – Most people don’t like to receive criticism, even of the constructive type. Begin their coaching on a positive note by finding an example of one of the agent’s strengths and elaborating on that. Follow the good news with an example of what the agent could do better and discuss how they can improve. Finish the coaching on another positive note so the agent walks away feeling good about themselves, while also realizing what they need to do to improve.

Role Play – One effective way of doing this is to listen to an agent’s recorded call that could have been handled better. Let the agent play the role of the customer in the interaction, while the coach plays the agent and demonstrates what could have been said to diffuse or handle the situation more professionally. Then switch it up and let the agent handle the caller in the way that you demonstrated.

Listen to Their Concerns – Have the agent complete a self-assessment before your meeting. If they have been receiving their KPI reports, they will know their shortcomings already. Once the agent understands that you are there to listen and assist and have heard their side of the story, you will be better able to guide agents’ decisions. This will also allow you to provide a plan of action that they will willingly adopt and that you will be able to enforce.

Work Together on Goals – After any coaching session, the agent should walk away with a clear plan of action that you both collaborated on and agree is doable. When you work with the agent to set their goals it shows them that you are confident in their ability to correct any performance issues and forge ahead confidently.   

Surprise them when they do something right! - Soon after a coaching session, monitor an agent while they still have your advice fresh in their head and are motivated to do the job right. Your live feedback reinforces their correct behaviors and enables you to correct any lingering issues on the spot.

Now that we have covered coaching...

Are you ready to drastically improve communication with your customers and employees?

Foxie has developed FoxieEngage, which is a single platform that gives you the ability to chat, respond to social media questions, text, talk, and communicate with your staff, customers, and vendors…all on their terms and in the way they choose to communicate with you.

FoxieEngage is what your business needs and what your customers and employees have been yearning for.

Be more engaged with your customers and employees...call us at 866-BE-ENGAGED (866-233-6424), text START to FOXIE (36943) or if you prefer just shoot me an email at hjames@foxie.com.

We are looking forward to engaging with you soon!