Keeping Your Kids Safe Online

In 2024, kids are seemingly born with a device in their hand. It’s a sign of the times...and when not used or monitored properly, the online world can be a very scary and dangerous place.

Foxie knows that keeping your family safe from the many online dangers and predators is paramount in today’s world. Here are some suggestions as to how to ensure their safety:

Educate, Educate, Educate!

  • Stranger Danger – Remind your children to follow the same rules and guidelines regarding strangers online as they abide by in the real world. Explain how everyone is not who they may seem to be online, and NEVER meet someone you have chatted with online without a parent present.
  • Cyberbullying – Discuss the ramifications of being a cyberbully or of being bullied. Emphasize the importance of being respectful online, and reporting anything they find bothersome to their parents or teachers.

Privacy and Security

  • Privacy Settings – Explain to your children in a way they will understand password security and the importance of privacy settings while using social media to limit who can see what they post online.
  • Restrict Personal Information – Teach your children to be cautious as to who they share any personal information with such as their home address, full name and what they school they attend.


  • Set Expectations – Sit down and establish clear guidelines for online safety...including appropriate websites, screen time limits and password sharing. Make sure they are aware that you will be checking their online history.

Remind them that what they post online can stick around long after they hit ‘delete.’ Colleges and future employers often look up a person’s digital footprint, so it’s important for them to think carefully about what they are sharing. Encouraging them to be mindful now can save them from potential issues later.

  • Be Involved – Stay engaged with your children’s online world...ask about who they talk with, what videos they watch, what games they play. When parents are involved, their children’s online experience is a little safer.

The internet can be a very exciting and educational place for your kids...if they are using it safely. By staying proactive and involved, you can help protect your children from the many online dangers while empowering them to make smart decisions.

Foxie understand the power of communication, and that is why we developed FoxieEngage...combining all your texts and social media messages into a single inbox.

Stay engaged with your current and potential us at 866-BE-ENGAGED (866-233-6424), text START to FOXIE (36943) or just shoot me an email at