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Six Ways to Minimize the Dreaded "Summertime Slump" in Sales

It's summertime, and people are out of the office living their best lives. We all need time away to recharge. Even your top salespeople aren't always able to avoid the summer slump, which happens to everyone at some point. Overcoming this is what separates your top seller from your average Joe.


Foxie realizes that business doesn't stop during the summer months and we have compiled a few ways to minimize it!

Prospects go on vacation and sales calls and emails go unanswered. It's a rough time for people whose job revolves around connecting, and that’s why we have compiled a list of strategies that we here at Foxie, have found to be most helpful.

Like an Old Gold Miner- Keep Prospecting - You are getting frustrated because you can’t seem to sell to or reach anyone at the top of your pipeline and there is no activity at the bottom end of your pipeline. What should you do? Take some time to refill the top.

At Foxie, we have found that one of the secrets to exceeding your sales goals month after month is to maintain a consistently full pipeline. This way when the inevitable slow period happens, you have been laying the groundwork to meet and exceed your goals in the future…. and hopefully make up for your “slump.”


Ask your current customers for referrals - We have found that calling top customers when we are very slow or frustrated can be beneficial for a couple of reasons. It reminds you that you can sell (which can help you regain your confidence) and that your slump is only temporary.


Ask your customers if they know anyone who could benefit from your product or service. Because you'll be beginning your new relationship with the referred prospect with a personal recommendation, instead of having to earn their trust from scratch, this should be easier to close.

Revisit old deals - Revisit that prospect who, a couple of months ago said that currently it “wasn't the right time.” The right time is NOW… give them a call and make them a customer!

Upsell current customers – While you are calling customers who are already using your product and are with your service, you should ask if they're bumping up against any constraints. It’s important to remember that sales aren’t about hunting all the time... farming can be just as profitable and is often much easier.

Have you ever questioned...maybe it's HOW you are communicating that needs a change?

Are you ready to drastically improve communication with your customers and employees?

Foxie has developed FoxieEngage, which is a single platform that gives you the ability to chat, respond to social media questions, text, talk, and communicate with your staff, customers, and vendors…all on their terms and in the way they choose to communicate with you.

FoxieEngage is what your business needs and what your customers and employees have been yearning for.

Be more engaged with your customers and employees...call us at 866-BE-ENGAGED (866-233-6424), text START to FOXIE (36943) or if you prefer just shoot me an email at hjames@foxie.com.

We are looking forward to engaging with you soon!