The Importance of the Fiscal Fourth Quarter

Fall is almost upon us, which means the fourth quarter of the fiscal year is just a couple of weeks away.

When I think of the fourth quarter, my first thoughts are of football. And just like in a football game, the fourth quarter in business is also of the utmost importance.

You have been running your business to the best of your ability for the first three quarters; making moves, strategizing and all-out hustling to make your business profitable.

The fourth quarter is when the spotlight shines the brightest. Now is the time for the players to make big plays. It’s your last chance of the year to see all your planning come to fruition, and if it doesn’t, then you have to punt and start all over in 2024.

You don’t want to do that.

Foxie and FoxieEngage can help to ensure that your fourth-quarter drive results in the game-winning touchdown so that you can celebrate over the Christmas and New Year holidays in the way you (and your boss) want to.

The fourth quarter is the prime holiday season. People are opening their wallets without a second thought about spending. This is the time to go all out with promotions, marketing campaigns, and sales tactics to attract customers and close deals.

There is no easier or inexpensive way to communicate with your current and potential customers, and your employees, than with FoxieEngage It is literally all you need, wrapped up nice and tidy in one place. No switching back and forth between apps. FoxieEngage allows you to communicate with your customers and employees in the way in which they want to communicate with you.

The fourth quarter isn’t just about numbers and profits. It’s a test of your company’s desire to win. It’s time to demonstrate your ability to adapt, innovate, and deliver under pressure. You need to bring your “A-game” to ensure victory. You’ve had the first nine months of 2023 to get your game plan together…. now let’s put it into action.

Foxie has developed FoxieEngage to make communicating with your customers and employees from ANY platform simple and hassle-free, in the way they want to communicate. FoxieEngage is the only tool in the market that offers conversational two-way texting. Seriously, it is the only one.

Be engaged with your me at 866-BE-ENGAGED (866-233-6424), text START to FOXIE (36943) or if you prefer, just shoot me an email at

I'm looking forward to speaking with you soon!