Why Employees Stay in The Same Job

Employers and employees both want stability in the workplace. People don’t like bouncing around from job to job and nobody likes being “the new person.” Most people I have spoken with want to develop roots with one company, work their way up, and be appreciated for their hard work.

We all have friends who have been with the same company for 20-plus years, while others seemingly change jobs every 3 to 4 years. Why is this? Is the grass always greener on the other side?

People all have different reasons for staying at their jobs, and Foxie has compiled a list of five of the major reasons people stay.

  1. Fair Compensation – Everyone wants to be compensated fairly and receive competitive benefits. Despite being advised not to talk about salaries and additional benefits within the company, people do. When an employee can go online and see what other companies are offering employees/new hires (or what your company is offering) in similar roles to what they are currently performing, it can create resentment when looking at their own paycheck and benefits.
  2. Flexible Work Hours – This is quickly becoming one of the most important factors when people are choosing where they want to work. Flexible work hours give employees the autonomy to create a schedule that benefits their physical and mental health. Studies have shown that employees who benefit from flexible working environments work more hours and get more work done. An employee who can run to the doctor or a school function without having to burn through their personal or vacation time, will appreciate that and work their missed hours and quite often more. The ability to get work done during non-traditional working hours, like weekends and when the kids go to bed, is a huge plus that benefits both the employer and the employee.
  3. Hold “Stay Interviews” – We have all heard of and had “exit interviews.” Have you ever been part of a “stay interview?” Companies with high retention rates boast that having quarterly chats with their employees, where managers ask about the employees’ career aspirations, what they really enjoy about their job, and the benefits it offers, as well as what could be improved upon, is a vital part of any successful organization. This also shows employees that you are listening to their praises and concerns, as well as providing great feedback to upper management as to what employees do and don’t like about the company.
  4. Consistent Leadership – You may have heard this before: “People leave management, they don’t leave jobs.” We have all had that boss who seemed clueless. We have said to ourselves, “How did he/she get that position, as they are worthless?” If the person you are reporting to has no idea how to perform your job, how are you expected to be comfortable going to them with questions? Consistency in leadership and management practices helps to create a stable work environment. Leaders should act fairly, be consistent when enforcing policies, and provide clear guidance to their employees.
  5. Working with people they enjoy working with – The development of relationships between employees at work can increase employee engagement, job satisfaction, and productivity. If you dread going to work every day because you have nothing in common with your co-workers, or you don’t agree with how your company is being run, odds are you will burn out quickly and you will begin posting your resume all over the place. When employees connect with their workplace and their colleagues in a positive way, it will affect their decision to stay at their job. Having a strong emotional connection at work will significantly lessen the likelihood that employees will leave.

All of us here at Foxie have been here for a long time, and most of us have worked together for more than a decade or two. When everyone is working toward the same common goal, has input to help achieve that goal, and seriously enjoy working with each other…. success is sure to follow.

Foxie has developed FoxieEngage to make communicating with your employees and customers from any platform simple and hassle-free, in the way they want to communicate. FoxieEngage is the only tool in the market that offers conversational, two-way texting. Seriously, it is the only one.

Be engaged with your customers...call me at 866-BE-ENGAGED (866-233-6424), text START to FOXIE (36943) or if you prefer, just shoot us an email. We are looking forward to speaking with you soon!