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Are you following a post-conference checklist?

You got on an airplane, picked up your rental car and check into your hotel. You put on some nice clothes, met a lot of interesting people, and learned some cool new things.

The conference ends and you go back to your hotel room. You take off your shoes, change clothes, and begin thinking about your trip back home and what faces when you get there. The kids, the dog, you need to do laundry and go to the store, etc.  

Now what?

Foxie knows the value a good conference provides when worked and attended correctly. It’s all about gathering contacts and building relationships.

Let's take a look at what you should be doing immediately post-conference:

Get organized - Now is the time to review and organize your notes. If you didn’t physically take notes, (you should have), now is the time to write down what you saw, who you spoke with, and any ideas you gathered from the conference.

Review all the conference materials – Download all conference information. Contact the event coordinator and ask them to email you a copy of the presentation. Take a moment to look at any handouts you kept and to see what kind of goodies you may have collected. Make a list of who you want to contact and formulate a plan.

Update your social media pages - Follow up on all the business cards you may have gathered within the first three days. Update your company’s pages. Keep all your pages/websites updated to let your customers know what you are doing and advise of any product updates.

Share and apply your newfound knowledge – Share what you learned with your boss and co-workers who couldn’t attend the conference. Put together a presentation and list all relevant information.

All of us at Foxie have attended and presented at hundreds of conferences. We just attended Franchise Expo West 2024 in Los Angeles where we met a lot of great people and made some incredible contacts. We know what works and what doesn’t.

Are you ready to improve communication with your employees, and all current and future customers?

Foxie has developed FoxieEngage, which is a single platform that gives you the ability to chat, respond to social media questions, text, talk, and communicate with your staff, customers, and vendors…all on their terms and in the way they choose to communicate with you.

FoxieEngage is what your business needs and what your customers and employees have been yearning for.

Be more engaged with your customers and employees...call us at 866-BE-ENGAGED (866-233-6424), text START to FOXIE (36943) or if you prefer shoot me an email at mdaudfar@foxie.com.

We are looking forward to engaging with you soon!