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Your Business NEEDS Text Messaging

Businesses need to be constantly looking for a way to stay competitive and firmly in the forefront of the minds of customers looking for their services or products.

Makes sense right? Your current and potential customers need to know what you are offering and when you are running a special or introducing a new product.

How do you accomplish this easily and in a cost-effective manner? Business text messaging.

Foxie is the expert in small business texting, and we have helped our customers send MILLIONS of texts.

Why your small business should be using FoxieEngage:


  • Easily accessible: Texts can be read right from your phone, without even needing access to the internet.
  • Simple to use: Texts are short and easy to read, usually in 20 seconds or less!

Don’t Use Your Personal Cell Phone

  • Protect Your Privacy: By using a dedicated business number or platform, you can keep your personal contact information private... maintaining a boundary between work and personal life.
  • Organized and Professional: Keeping business communications separate from personal ones will ensure that messages are not lost or answered improperly.


  • Inexpensive: Text messages cost a fraction of what other forms of marketing do.
  • ROI Is High: High customer engagement and response rates make your small investment worthwhile.

Productive Customer Experience:

  • Up-To-The-Minute Information: Keep your customers informed about their reservations or purchases.
  • Convenience: Texting makes it quick and easy for your customers to communicate with your business.

Helps to Build Relationships

  • Message personalization: Send personalized texts to make customers feel appreciated.
  • Remember special occasions: Acknowledging birthdays or anniversaries makes people feel special, and they appreciate that you remember them.

There are numerous advantages that using a business texting service like FoxieEngage provides to your business. It is cost effective, personal and encourages conversation.

FoxieEngage will help you increase customer loyalty and stay more engaged with your current and potential customers. This is exactly what business owners need and will help them to stay ahead of the competition.

Be engaged with your current and potential customers...call us at 866-BE-ENGAGED (866-233-6424), text START to FOXIE (36943) or if you prefer, just shoot me an email at hjames@foxie.com.