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Pros and Cons of using AI in Business

Artificial Intelligence has changed the way business operates. The advantages are numerous, and you’d be foolish not to incorporate some form of AI into your business model.

Foxie is well aware of the influence AI has and the unlimited possibilities it offers to help your business...as well as the downside of AI. This one-minute read is a must for business owners.

Foxie has compiled a quick read of “pros and cons” that will aid you in your decision-making process regarding how much AI you should or shouldn’t be using, as well as the downside of relying too much on AI.


More efficient and productive

  • Streamlines processes.
  • Eliminates repetitive tasks.
  • Reduces manual labor costs.

Data driven results

  • Analyzes huge amounts of data instantly.
  • Algorithms will help uncover trends and patterns.
  • Empowers businesses to make informed decisions.

Customer service

  • Eliminates human error.
  • Provides consistent responses to questions.
  • 24/7 availability (That’s HUGE).

It sounds like there is no question that you should be using AI more often than you currently are…or should you?


It’s not human

  • Cannot create new solutions to problems.
  • Cannot display any form of emotion.
  • Cannot form a bond with a customer.
  • Lack of transparency as to why decisions were made.

Prohibitive startup costs

  • Replacing of hardware and infrastructure.
  • Requires specialized personnel to implement.


  • Becoming too reliant on AI.
  • Systems are vulnerable to hacking.
  • Job displacement anxiety.

AI is incredible, with capabilities that seem like something from a science fiction movie. By carefully evaluating the pros and cons of AI, businesses can successfully leverage the advantages and disadvantages to maximize its full potential.

BUT...AI is a powerful tool that should be used to enhance human capabilities…not replace them.

Are you ready to improve communication with your customers and employees...and to get the word out about your business?

Foxie has developed FoxieEngage, which is a single platform that gives you the ability to chat, respond to social media questions, text, talk, and communicate with your staff, customers, and vendors…all on their terms and in the way they choose to communicate with you.

FoxieEngage is what your business needs and what your customers and employees have been yearning for.

Be more engaged with your customers and employees...call us at 866-BE-ENGAGED (866-233-6424), text START to FOXIE (36943) or if you prefer just shoot me an email at smcclellan@foxie.com.

We are looking forward to engaging with you soon!