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Four Questions to Ask Your Customers

Why should people choose to do business with you and your company? What differentiates you and makes you stand out from your competition?

All of us here at Foxie have been starting up and running businesses for decades. We know what works and what doesn’t. We know the importance of talking with our current customers regularly...and ASKING QUESTIONS!

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Small Business Advertising

You have achieved your lifelong dream and finally own your own small business. Congratulations! This is an exciting new beginning. Now you want to let the world know about your phenomenal services or products…but where do you start?

Foxie has developed FoxieEngage to make getting the word out about your business easier than ever. This one-minute read will be the best minute you spend all day!

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Post Conference Checklist

You got on an airplane, picked up your rental car and checked into your hotel. You put on some nice clothes, met a lot of interesting people, and learned some cool new things.

The conference ends and you go back to your hotel room. You take off your shoes, change clothes, and begin thinking about your trip back home and what faces when you get there. The kids, the dog, you need to do laundry and go to the store, etc.

Hold on. You just attended a conference that comes with expenses and your boss expects to see a return on his/her investment.

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