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Customer Success (3)

Happy Employees Equal Happy Customers

One of the most underrated concepts in business is the idea of “happy employees equal happy customers.” Investing in your employees' well-being is one of the most important investments any business owner can make.

Foxie knows this and that is why we have compiled a quick list of reasons why putting your employees first will ultimately result in the successful growth of your business.

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What is Conversational Texting?

Text messaging is an essential part of doing business. Businesses use texting to reach out to their customers to keep them informed of any business changes and to advise of's great to get your name out there and keep it in your customers' minds.

What is the easiest way to stay in touch with customers that won't break the bank? This one-minute read will be a game-changer.

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Building a Marketing Plan


Every successful person and business became successful by having a vision and a plan. Sure there is that one in a billion chance you might win the lottery or hit a big jackpot at the casino, but for the majority, a successful plan is the key to success.

Foxie knows that “Failing to plan, is planning to fail,” and we have come up with some ways to combat that!

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Four Questions to Ask Your Customers

Why should people choose to do business with you and your company? What differentiates you and makes you stand out from your competition?

All of us here at Foxie have been starting up and running businesses for decades. We know what works and what doesn’t. We know the importance of talking with our current customers regularly...and ASKING QUESTIONS!

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