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Posts by:

Hayln James

VP of Business Development at Foxie.com

Life is NOT all about work!

Like most people, you work 40-plus hours a week and really look forward to the weekends. Friday afternoon at 5:00 pm rolls around and you have the best intentions of relaxing, getting things done around the house, enjoying a nice dinner with that special someone…and then you start thinking about Monday. 

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How FoxieEngage Can Help Your Business

Most people own a cell phone and we all use our phones to send and receive text messages, also known as SMS messaging. Cell phone users are more engaged with SMS messaging than they are with other marketing tools...like email. You receive an alert that you received a text message, and you look at your cell phone within a few minutes or seconds of delivery. It’s a concise message, and you know right away if you are interested or not.

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How to Protect Your Brand Identity

We often hear the phrase “Brand Identity,” but not everyone is sure of what that entails. Brand identity can refer to the name, symbol, design, colors, or any other distinguishing features that help customers differentiate between your brand and your competitors.

How are you protecting yours?

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Small Business Advertising

You have achieved your lifelong dream and finally own your own small business. Congratulations! This is an exciting new beginning. Now you want to let the world know about your phenomenal services or products…but where do you start?

Foxie has developed FoxieEngage to make getting the word out about your business easier than ever. This one-minute read will be the best minute you spend all day!

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