Posts by:

Shawn McClellan

Director of Key Accounts

Using SMS Texting as a Recruiting Tool

Everywhere you go these days you see “Help Wanted” signs. Companies are having a very hard time finding employees, and as a result, some have had to close their doors or cut their business hours due to staffing reasons.

 You’ve put ads online with very few responses or people not showing up for interviews. Your current employees are overworked and you need to hire ASAP. Now what? 

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CTIA and TCPA Opt-In Requirements

Two governing departments mandate what needs to be included in every opt-in text confirmation. The first is the CTIA (Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association.) The second one is the TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act), which has been put in place to protect consumers from receiving text messages they did not request or agree to receive.

Foxie has years of experience working with SMS messaging and that is why can help explain and guide you through exactly what needs to be done to properly send SMS (text) messages.

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What is a Phone Carrier Lookup Tool?

A business will use its chosen text message marketing platform to send informational texting and promotional messages, through an SMS API integrated into its CRM application. Every time a message gets sent the application needs to know which cell phone operator the message needs to go to for it to be received by the intended recipient.

Sound a little confusing? Foxie is here to explain.

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