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Posts by:

Shawn McClellan

Director of Key Accounts

Foxie.com blog How Do Small Businesses Communicate With Their Customers in 2023

How Do Small Businesses Communicate With Their Customers in 2023?

Small businesses are the driving force behind economic growth, and effective communication with customers is crucial for their success. In today's digital age, communication methods have become more diverse, and small businesses have many options to connect with their customers.

Foxie will help you explore ways to communicate with your customers and why it's essential for your growth.

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5 Tips to Staying Productive Over the Holidays

The holidays can be a very fun and very distracting time of year. Most people will need to take some time off to travel, shop, cook, attend school plays, etc. What is weird about all this is your boss still expects you to work in December!

To help you navigate the holidays, Foxie we have come up with five surefire ways to help you be as productive as possible at work, while also giving you more time to enjoy the holidays…because life isn’t all about work. 

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Keys to Success for Small Business Communication

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the world in which we live, and surprisingly, not all of it is for the worse. Employees have realized that time spent with their family is very important, getting enough rest is vital to their health and that wasting an hour or more every day commuting is not fun.

With the technology we now have at our fingertips, we can do everything from home while on our computers, laptops, or cell phones. Besides working from home, people can take online classes, have anything they desire delivered to their doorstep, and communicate with anyone anywhere in the world. This is life in 2022 and businesses must adapt.

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