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Posts about:

Productivity (7)

Five Tips for Better Communication at Work

Having honest communication at work plays a huge factor in every aspect of your day. It can make your job a wonderful place to work or a place you dread going to. Many people don’t want to speak up in fear that others will think their idea is not a good one. Others stay quiet even when they have questions, feeling that they will look stupid because they should already know the answer. This can really hinder production and growth.

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Top Five Ways to Build Trust at Work

You want your workplace to be a place where people feel comfortable with each other and don’t have to be constantly questioning what they are told. Trust is earned, not given. Once that bond is broken, it is very hard to get it back.   

Foxie has come up with a few suggestions as to how to build trust at work...which in turn will improve morale and build better relationships between employees and management.         

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Sales Burnout and How To Avoid It

We have all heard the term “Sales Burnout” ...but do you know what the definition of that really is? It is defined as “Burnout is a state of emotional, mental, and sometimes physical distress that is caused by prolonged or repeated exposure to stressors.”

With the role of a sales rep being a high-stress, high-pressure position, burnout is a common occurrence for those who work in the field. So how do you avoid it?

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Your Management Style Matters

When you look back at your previous places of employment, do you have managers that you think fondly of?  You probably have had a couple that were fantastic, and you learned from them. They helped and guided you and were focused on making the workplace a more enjoyable place to be. It was obvious that they liked what they did and were good at their job.

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