Posts about:

Productivity (6)

How to avoid "shrinkage"... in a call center

I was a Workforce Manager for many years and trust me when I say “shrinkage” can make a HUGE difference in your daily production. Shrinkage is the unscheduled or scheduled activities that don’t allow the agents to do the actual job that they are being paid to do.

Foxie has a team full of people who have started up and managed call centers and we have put together a list of ways to help combat "shrinkage."

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5 Tips to Staying Productive Over the Holidays

The holidays can be a very fun and very distracting time of year. Most people will need to take some time off to travel, shop, cook, attend school plays, etc. What is weird about all this is your boss still expects you to work in December!

To help you navigate the holidays, Foxie we have come up with five surefire ways to help you be as productive as possible at work, while also giving you more time to enjoy the holidays…because life isn’t all about work. 

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Five Tips for Better Communication at Work

Having honest communication at work plays a huge factor in every aspect of your day. It can make your job a wonderful place to work or a place you dread going to. Many people don’t want to speak up in fear that others will think their idea is not a good one. Others stay quiet even when they have questions, feeling that they will look stupid because they should already know the answer. This can really hinder production and growth.

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Top Five Ways to Build Trust at Work

You want your workplace to be a place where people feel comfortable with each other and don’t have to be constantly questioning what they are told. Trust is earned, not given. Once that bond is broken, it is very hard to get it back.   

Foxie has come up with a few suggestions as to how to build trust at work...which in turn will improve morale and build better relationships between employees and management.         

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